Saturday, July 6, 2013

VIX below 15

OK, so not a lot of publishing for a long time.  Sorry, been busy... trading volatility.

The rule has been long the VIX under 15 and short the VIX over 17, not hard and fast rules, but have been safe bets.

TVIX in the 2.60 range, starting to load-up for an all-in position.  It has been a wild ride lately.

News this week shot stocks up, Europe planning on more bail out aid, how can that possibly be good.  Sequestration in the U.S. will start showing it's impacts, especially since the govt's fiscal year starts Oct 1 and the cuts mandated will eat into most federal programs and prevent federal contract growth, meaning less jobs.

Buy TVIX, VXX (VXX options) and hold them!

Happy trading...